CAMS Dividend Income Portfolio
The CAMS Dividend Income Portfolio is a tactical, alpha-driven portfolio. It is made up of individual securities.
- Long-term growth, long-only equity portfolio
- Tactical individual dividend-paying equities
- Diversified, dividend-income producing portfolio or dividend reinvestment plan can be selected
- Large-cap equity focused
CAMS Equity Rotation Portfolio
The CAMS Equity Rotation Portfolio is a tactical, alpha-driven portfolio. It can invest in mutual funds, ETF's, & individual stock
- Long-term growth, high beta, aggressive strategy
- Tactical U.S. equity style boxes, U.S. equity sectors, subindustries & individual equities
- Uses CAMS' quantitative tactical allocation model and incorporates entire scope of Cornerstone's internal research resources.
CAMS/CMS Sherman Bull-Calendar Portfolio
The CAMS/CMS Sherman Bull-Calendar Portfolio is a tactical, alpha-driven portfolio. It invests primarily in mutual funds.
- Uses a Bull-Bear indicator to determine market environment
- Bull/Bear model strategy during Bull Markets and Calendar Effects during Bear Markets
- Goal is to be fully invested in equities during Bull Markets and only exposed to the relatively few days with the highest probability of profit during Bear Markets
CIM U.S. Sector Strategy
The CIM U.S. Sector Strategy is a tactical, alpha-driven portfolio. This portfolio primarily invests in ETF's.
- Long-term growth, long-only ETF strategy
- Proprietary Dynamic Asset Allocation process identifies and invests in the U.S. equity sectors and/or fixed income instruments
- Monthly rebalancing
CIM U.S. Rotational Strategy
The CIM U.S. Rotational Strategy is a tactical, alpha-driven portfolio. It invests in primarily ETF's.
- Long-term growth, long-only ETF strategy
- Proprietary Dynamic Asset Allocation process identifies and invests in the U.S. equity sectors
- Monthly rebalancing
CIM Dynamic Factor Strategy
The CIM Dynamic Factor Strategy is a tactical, alpha-driven portfolio that invests in mainly ETF's.
- Long-term growth, long-only ETF strategy
- Proprietary Dynamic Asset Allocation process identifies and invests in the Factor ETF's (i.e. U.S. Quality, U.S. Value, Int'l Value, etc.) and/or fixed income instruments
- Monthly rebalancing